The Women Of The Woods: A Sword & Sorcery Tale

“You’re going to pay me to what?” Rorik leaned back shaking his head back and forth.

“Just investigate.” said the man sitting across from the knight.

“Investigate…a group of women in the woods?” said the knight keeping his stare on the man’s eyes across from him.

The man began to smile and nodded “That is exactly right.”

“What’s the catch?” said Rorik.

“No catch.”


“No bullshit.”

Rorik thought for a moment then shook his head again “Bullshit.”

“Look I can send another of your order if you’d like. I just thought that you’d be interested is all.”

“No I’m interested. It’s just that my usual fare is hiking out to some God-forsaken farmstead, to camp in the woods for a few nights either to be bored out of my mind or fight some haunt.”

“So it’ll be a nice change of pace.”

“We’ll see.” said Rorik.

“Just sign the contract.” replied the man.

Rorik looked down at the paper in front of him. He grunted then signed across the bottom.

“So we have a deal knight.”

“That we do. I’ll expect my pay on completion of my investigation.”

“Of course.”

“And I’d recommend having it beforehand. You know what my order does to those that don’t.”

“I’m well aware. Trust me, all will be taken care of.”

Rorik stood up from the table “Then I’ll be headed out. Take care and get my money together.”


Rorik’s vision was blurry before him as his horse trotted down the muddy road. The smell of pine thick in the air. He blinked clearing the fog and looked around him at the deep lush green forest.

“A bit nicer scenery than the usual, right Red?” Rorik reached down patting the side of his horse’s neck.

The road began to turn revealing a village set back in the woods. As Rorik and Red rounded the corner a young boy rushed out torwards them staring at the ground. Hearing the horse he suddenly looked up and locked eyes with Rorik. Rorik smiled and waved.

The boy jumped up a smile spreading across his face “A knight! It’s a knight!” he turned and sprinted back towards the village sharing the news of Rorik’s arrival.

Rorik shook his head chuckling to himself.

Homes lined the main street of the village with four larger buildings towards the other end. The people came out and gawked at Rorik as he rode by. Rorik smiled and waved as the people crowded forward.

“Just a knight.” said Rorik.

Rorik looked down and noticed that only women and children crowded about him but no men.

He made his way to the largest home at the end of the village and dismounted, leading Red to a post for tethering. The entire village seemed to be out following behind Rorik.

“Is there someone I can speak to?” asked Rorik addressing the crowd.

No one answered.

Rorik shrugged and took a few steps toward the crowd spreading out his arms “No one?…”

Still no answer.

Rorik looked back and forth scanning the faces before him “Where are the men?”

Finally an elderly woman stepped forward from the crowd and addressed him “They’re gone sir knight.”

“Gone?” asked Rorik raising an eyebrow.

The old woman nodded “Gone.”

“And where did they go?”

This sent murmurs through the gathered crowd. Rorik could make out whispers of “forest”, “the women”, and a few “whores”.

“To the woods.” replied the woman.

“So who’s in charge here?” asked Rorik.

“That’d be me.” a feeble voice sounded out from behind Rorik.

The knight turned to see a wrinkled older man walking forward.

“Ah the town stud.” said Rorik under his breath.

He walked forward and bowed before the man “I’ve been sent here by…an acquaintance who wants me to investigate your woods here.”

The old man shook his head then looked behind Rorik to the gathered women and children. He stretched out a gnarled hand and motioned for Rorik to follow him.

“Come with me inside.” he said as he turned.

Rorik nodded taking one last look behind him at the gathered crowd giving a wave as he did so.

The old man led him into the house and motioned for him to sit down at a table. He took a seat across from Rorik and sat forward studying the knight.

“What is it?” asked Rorik.

“Who sent you here knight?”

“A friend.”

The man sat back smiling as he rolled his eyes.

“What?” asked Rorik.

“A friend you say. Well if he is indeed a friend then he knew little of our woods here.”

“Why’s that?” asked Rorik propping his feet up on a chair next to him.

The man studied Rorik’s movement for a moment then continued “Because these woods are those that no man returns from.”

“And why’s that?”

“Because…because of the women of the woods.” the man paused again studying Rorik’s expression.

The two sat in silence for a few moments before Rorik spoke putting his feet on the ground and leaning forward.

“Should…should I be scared man?”

“It’s Reynalds…and if you knew what I spoke of trust me you would feel fear in the deepest parts of your heart.”

“So explain it to me.”

“You see knight our woods are cursed. And not cursed with some terrible fiend or foul necromancer but something far more dangerous to the hearts of men but with…with…” Reynalds stopped and took a deep breath staring ahead.

“With what?” asked Rorik cleaning some dirt from a fingernail.

“With beautiful women.” replied Reynalds.

Rorik dropped forward laughing his fist smacking against the table.

“Beautiful women?” asked Rorik between laughs.

The old man nodded once.

Rorik composed himself “Forgive me, but could you elaborate on why this is a threat?”

Reynalds nodded again “Gladly, you see these are not actual women that haunt our woods. But devious creatures that lure men to their deaths. They were said to have been a legend but recent events prove otherwise.”

“And how does one get rid of these creatures?”

“That I do not know knight. All the men that went out to their encampment in the woods haven’t returned, I myself barely escaped with my life.”

“I see. If you don’t mind me asking, what makes you so special. Why have you been able to resist the charms of these creatures?”

Reynalds looked down a frown crossing his face. Rorik continued to stare at him drumming his fingers across the table.

“It’s a long story knight.” said Reynalds.

“I have nowhere to be.” replied Rorik.

Reynalds sighed deeply then turned back to Rorik not making eye contact “I had an accident when I was young…”


“And…and…and I don’t care for the company of women anymore.”

“Don’t care for the company of women?”

Reynalds looked up into Rorik’s eyes “I can’t.”

Rorik paused for a moment then his eyes widened in understanding “Oh…oh I’m sorry. But…so you’ve seen this encampment then?”

Reynalds nodded.

“Where is it? What does it look like? What do these women look like? Why haven’t the women of the village driven them out? How did every one of the men get taken? Surely some could have kept it in their pants or stayed at home?”

Reynalds say back shaking his head “One question at a time. The encampment is in a small clearing less than a days’ march from here. There is a small dirt road than runs down the center of two rows of tents with a lodge at the end. In front of the lodge is a fountain that no one knows how got there.”

“Can you take me there?”

Reynalds looked at Rorik frowning “Are you going to let me answer your questions or not? Yes I can take you there, but then I leave. And the women fear the place and rightfully so. Some men fell under the spell and were killed, others through battle. Either way knight I’d say your chances of survival are slim to none. My advice would be to return to your “friend” and give him a good working over.”

Rorik laughed “I’ve dealt with worse. I’ll need some supplies, a bit of rest, and then you’ll take me to this encampment. Sound good?”

“I don’t feel like I have much say in the matter.”

Rorik shrugged.

“Fine. We’ll leave tomorrow.”


“I wasn’t expecting such generosity.” said Rorik patting his belly as he stepped over a log.

“Well the women of the village are eager to be rid of this encampment. As well as to see if any of their men can be returned.” replied Reynalds.

“What do you think the chances of that are?” asked Rorik.

“Slim.” Reynalds paused for a moment studying the path ahead of them.

“What is it?”

“We should be getting close. Like I said I’ll lead you there but I’m not going into that thing.”

“We’ll see.” said Rorik smiling.

Reynalds mumbled some curses and continued on.

The two continued on traversing through the forest for another hour before Reynalds stopped up short and pointed forward. Rorik squinted and could make out a white tent through the gaps in the trees ahead of them.

Rorik began creeping forward. He turned back towards Reynalds and saw the doubt on the man’s face.

“Regardless if you want to stay in the woods, I’m going to need you to lead me back. So come on.” Rorik motioned him forward.

Reynalds grumbled falling in behind the knight. The two crept forward until they could see most of the encampment. Just as Reynalds had said two lines of white tents lined a dirt road that led to a fountain and a great wooden lodge at the end of the road. But that was not what caught Rorik’s attention.

Up and down the road, around the grounds surrounding, and bathing in the fountain were some of the most beautiful women Rorik had ever seen. The knight sat back biting his lip then smiled shaking his head.

“What is it?” asked Reynalds.

Rorik let out a low laugh “Nothing. But I see the challenge in this. What are the nature of these creatures? Do they turn into things of claw and fang? Great tall beasts? Do they have magical abilities?”

“You ask many questions knight.”

“Learned from the best, now start answering.”

“From what I’ve seen they must draw one in before killing the men. Though I’ve never actually seen them do it.”

“You never actually seen them do it?” asked Rorik struggling to keep his voice a whisper.

Reynalds shook his head.

“Then how in God’s name do you know that the men aren’t just laying about having the time of their lives?”

“Trust me knight, something evil is at work here.”

Rorik sighed then shrugged “Most likely, still that’s not much to go off of. How did you approach the village when you last came?”

“Same as now. We crept through the woods and observed. Then the men decided to go forward and talk to the women to see what they wanted.”

“Okay and when did things turn bad?”

“When the men started going into the tents with the women. I was the only one left outside. I thought things were taking…longer than usual so decided to investigate. I started asking questions and the women tried distracting me but…it didn’t work. So I decided to try to go into a tent where Harold, the village leader before me, went. It was then that the women turned ferocious and drove me off trying to kill me.”

“Now…no offense. But what do you think a knight like me has to fear if the entire village of women couldn’t chase down an old eu…once such as yourself and bring you to harm?”

“There’s more to them knight. I don’t know what brings on the change but I know I was spared. Why I cannot say, but I know those women had more power then they let on me. Perhaps they wanted to hide that side, thinking they could easily end me with their…disguises still intact.”

“Maybe. So when you first greeted these women they were friendly?”

Reynalds chuckled lightly “That’s an understatement.”

Rorik stood up from where they were crouching and walked forward.

“Where are you going?” hissed Reynalds crouching even lower.

“Stay here, I’ll be back.” said Rorik.

Rorik strode forward towards the row of tents as Reynalds slunk down shaking his head.

“I’ll only wait so long knight.” he called out after Rorik.

Rorik simply nodded and continued his stride.

Rorik got halfway between the tents and the forest when the first woman noticed him. Rorik expected her to react in shock or surprise but was simply met with a smile and a wave.

Rorik smiled back and called out a greeting to the woman.

She smiled and started walking towards the knight, a crowd of the others gathering behind her.

“Are you lost sir knight?” she said getting closer.

“Call me Rorik, and not lost. Heard about this place and wanted to check it out for myself.”

A worried look crossed the woman’s face “Heard about it from where?”

Rorik smiled a toothy smile “No need to concern yourself. The secret’s safe with me.”

The woman smiled and put her arm around Rorik’s neck “Come with me.” she said as she turned around.

Rorik followed the women back to towards the center of the camp. The woman led Rorik towards the fountain looking up every few seconds to smile.

“Aren’t you going to tell me your name?” asked Rorik.

“I’m Gabriela.” she said smiling again.

“Well Gabriela, what exactly do you have planned for a man such as myself?”

“Nothing but enjoyment.” replied Gabriela sitting down on the fountain’s edge.

She motioned for Rorik to sit down next to her.

“Nothing but enjoyment…and it won’t cost me a dime?” asked Rorik.

“Not a dime.” she replied motioning for the other women to attend to Rorik’s clothing.

Two women knelt down and began tugging at Rorik’s boots while another came from behind and grabbed his cloak.

“Seems a bit too good to be true Gabriela. I’ve traveled all over these lands and haven’t come across such a deal as this. What’s the catch? What do you get out of it?”

“Why do you ask so many questions Rorik?” asked Gabriela as she draped one shapely leg over his lap.

Rorik laughed as he pushed her leg off of him.

“What’s wrong? Don’t tell me you’re the first knight through here to take his vow of celibacy seriously?”

“It’s not that. Wouldn’t work too well in my order. No, it’s just that I like to know what I’m getting into beforehand.”

Gabriela shook her head and leaned against Rorik looking up into his eyes. As she did this another woman reached for his sword from behind. Rorik reached down and grabbed the hilt.

“That’ll be staying with me.”

Gabriela shook her head still looking into Rorik’s eyes “What’s a matter Rorik? Surely a big strong knight such as yourself has nothing to fear from a couple of defenseless women, right?”

Rorik shrugged.

Gabriela slapped him lightly on the arm “Come now, you’re ruining the fun. No weapons, it’s one of our rules.”

“And it’s one of mine to never be disarmed.” replied Rorik.

Gabriela’s face darkened a shade “Rorik please, you’re being rude. We want nothing but to give you happiness and pleasure and you’re making it difficult.”

“I’ll leave my sword by my side but it’s not being taken away. Come now, what’s so bad about that? It’s not like it’ll get in the way.” said Rorik leaning into Gabriela.

Gabriela gave a glance over to one of the other women who headed up the path towards the lodge.

Rorik looked after her then back to Gabriela “I do something wrong?”

“We’ll have to ask Ursula about this.”


“Yes, the head matron. She usually has us disarm our men…but maybe she’ll make an exception for you.”

Rorik looked up the path as the woman emerged followed by a woman who was more stunning than any Rorik had seen so far. She immediately met eyes with Rorik.

She smiled and slowly made her way down to the knight, her hips swaying with every stride.

Gabriela moved out of the way as Ursula took her spot putting an arm on Rorik’s shoulder.

“Now good knight what is this I hear of not letting us make you comfortable.”

“It’s not that, in fact I’m most comfortable with my sword.”

Ursula nodded and stood up offering Rorik her hand “Come with me, won’t you?” she asked.

Rorik reached out taking Ursula’s hand. She led him back up towards the lodge.

“You have to understand our girls’ nervousness with weapons about. I’ll take you to the lodge myself, give you an extra special treatment.”

Rorik nodded and looked back at the women staring after him.

“You started this place?” asked Rorik.

“Why yes I did.” replied Ursula keeping her eyes focused ahead.

“How come?”

“To bring pleasure to those that could find us of course.”

“And what do you get in exchange?”

“Why that knowledge we’ve given rest to those that are tired.”

Rorik laughed “So I take it you’re not human are you?”

Ursula looked back at him studying the knight for a moment before speaking “What else would we be knight?”

Rorik shrugged “That’s what I’d like to know.”

“You didn’t come here for pleasure did you?” asked Ursula as she opened the door to the lodge.

Rorik followed her in shrugging, his eyes adjusting to the dim light “I came to find out what was going on here, that’s all.”

“What’s going on here? Why good knight.” Ursula chuckled and smiled placing her arms around Rorik’s neck “I just told you.”

“I know, and it doesn’t make any sense.”

Ursula locked eyes with Rorik and continued to smile as she started slowly moving backwards rocking her hips back and forth.

“Does it have to make sense?” she asked leaning forward kissing Rorik’s neck.

Rorik pulse began to quicken, he slowly mouthed the words “Guess not.”

“Good.” she turned from Rorik and grabbed his hand leading his towards a room in the back of the lodge. There was a great bed with a low crystal light glowing orange in the corner. She pulled Rorik so his back was to the bed then pushed him down onto it.

“Now that sword.” she said reaching for the weapon.

Rorik smiled and shook his head.

“Come now knight.” said Ursula grabbing the sword.

Rorik reached his hand over and placed it over Ursula’s looking her in the eye.

“I know what you are.” said Rorik.

“An annoyed woman?” asked Ursula.

Rorik shook his head still smiling.

Ursula sat back putting her hands on her hips “And what’s that knight?”

“Not a woman.” said Rorik.

“Now you’re insulting me.”

“Though I’ll admit you put up a good front.”

Ursula rolled her eyes “Do you want to have fun or not knight?”

Rorik shrugged “I’m having fun right now.”

Ursula’s eyes narrowed as she stared down as Rorik.

“You’re testing my patience.”

“Am I?” said Rorik smiling wider.

Ursula turned away and began sobbing.

Rorik began laughing in reply.

At this Ursula whirled around staring wide eyed at Rorik.

He sat back on the bed shaking his head “You think I’m that foolish?”

“I think you’re heartless.”

Rorik drew his sword and held it out to his side.

“What are you doing?” asked Ursula.

“I want to ask you a question.” said Rorik.

“What’s that?”

“Where are all the men that have been here before?”

“They left, satisfied. Something you’ll not be if you keep this up.”

“I meant what did you do with the bodies? I’m trying to figure out exactly what you are. Vampire? Succubus? Demon? A man wonders.”

Ursula’s eyes flashed with anger as she took steps towards Rorik hovering over him. Rorik looked up readying for her to pounce. Instead her eyes turned cool and she slowly got on top of Rorik and began lightly kissing his neck. Again Rorik felt his pulse quicken as the grip on his sword loosened.

Ursula began whispering in his ear drawing Rorik further and further away from consciousness. Rorik felt his mind slip into her grasp as the sword clattered to the floor. He felt her skin beginning to change underneath his fingertips but his mind washed over it too enthralled by other sensations.

His eyes remained shut, though something deep inside told him to open them. The sensation of her body on top of his grew stronger and stronger. He knew soon he’d be completely gone, under her spell. With a grunt he pushed forward straining to open his eyes. On top of him was not the gorgeous woman he had seen a few seconds before but a hideous creature with a row of fangs growing out of its mouth.

The spell broken Rorik cracked his fist across the beast’s jaw sending it splaying to the floor screeching. Rorik rolled off the bed to his sword retrieving it and rising. Across from him was a half creature. The top half a scaled humanoid beast with long claws and a sharp row of teeth jutting out of its growing mouth. The bottom still that of one of the most beautiful women Rorik had ever seen.

“Close beast, but not quite enough.” said Rorik pacing forward his sword held out in front of him.

What used to be Ursula let out another screech that pierced Rorik’s ears causing him to momentarily lose the grasp on his sword. The creature bounded across the room claws extended. Rorik regained his grip on his sword at the last moment and swung keeping the creature back.

Its hissed and drew back to the door leading outside.

“Where are you going?” asked Rorik.

A few moments later Rorik heard the thumping of bodies against the door.

“Call your friends?” asked Rorik now backing away from the creature.

Rorik strained his memory for an exit of some sort. But nothing came to mind. He quickly glanced behind but saw no window.

“There was something here before.” said Rorik to himself.

The door now opened as the other women began pouring in. Seeing their leader changed they all began transforming themselves.

“Ugh.” said Rorik holding his free hand to his mouth as the women changed before him.

Rorik felt his back hit the wall as Ursula began advancing towards him, the other women still in the middle of their transformations.

“A bit slower then you aren’t they.” said Rorik stepping a few paces forward, an idea forming in his mind.

Ursula paused unsure of the knight’s newfound audacity.

Rorik now charged forward with a yell that vibrated through the room. The creature shrank back as Rorik’s blade sailed over its head. Rorik continued his charge forward bouncing off the transforming bodies as he crashed into the door. He swung wide behind him keeping back the creature as he opened the door and raced through.

Once back in the street his quickly turned and lunged forward burying his sword tip into Ursula’s charging form. The sword bit deep into the shoulder blade as the creature let out a great screech. Rorik pulled the blade free and with a flourish swung it horizontally severing the creature’s head from its neck.

He now opened the door to find the other women changed and rushing for him. He slammed the door shut as the bodies smashed against it. Rorik’s sword fell from his grasp as he used both hands the keep the door firmly shut. The creatures continued to crash against it but the door held. Rorik began calling out into the darkness but knew no aid would come. Cursing he continued holding the door shut and looked over at the corpse of what was once Ursula.

Ahead of him down the path, towards where Rorik himself had entered the encampment he saw a form move.

“There’s more.” said Rorik to himself shaking his head.

He looked to his sword lying a few feet from him and then around at the woods for best escape routes.

The form crept closer, pausing by every tent.

“Get on with it.” said Rorik to himself.

The form now came into the faint torchlight the women had lit. It was Reynalds.

“Reynalds! Get over here.” yelled Rorik.

Reynalds now raced for the knight stopping to stare at Ursula’s form.

“Never mind that, we have bigger problems here.” said Rorik through gritted teeth.

The eunuch raced to Rorik kneeling by him “What do you want me to do?”

Rorik paused for a moment thinking. Reynalds stared at him waiting.

“I…I don’t know. Let me think. There’s a whole pack of those things in there.”

Reynalds looked to the decapitated form and then to the door his face turning paler in the faint light of the moon.

“Surely the door won’t hold.” said Reynalds.

Rorik shrugged “Not sure what else to do, at the moment.”

Reynalds stepped back and studied the building “And what about the windows” he gasped pointing.

“Windows?” asked Rorik raising an eyebrow.

“The windows.” replied Reynalds sneaking up to one and looking in “huh.”

“What is it?” asked Rorik.

“I don’t see anything…just blackness. That’s strange.”

“This whole damn camp is strange…” Rorik paused staring ahead of him.

“What is it?” asked Reynalds spinning around grabbing his throat.

“The torches…maybe we can burn this place to the ground. And these creatures in there with it.”

“You want me to set it on fire? But surely it’ll burn you before it gets rid of the creatures.”

“Just do what I say Reynalds and we’ll be fine.”

Rorik instructed Reynalds as he gathered kindling and accelerant for the fire.

Reynalds piled the last against the building “That’s it.”

“Alright.” Rorik nodded through a veined lined face as he held the door “Burn it.”

Reynalds retrieved a torch and set it to the side of the building starting the blaze.

For a moment the pounding and prying at the door froze as the new stimulus was taken in by the creatures. Then a second later returned with renewed force.

“Well their pissed so that’s a good sign.” said Rorik.

Reynalds nodded a few paces off looking helpless.

“Come sit against the door.” instructed Rorik.

Reynalds did as he was told putting his meager frame against the door.

The flames consumed more and more of the building. Bathing the men in its heat. Sweat began pouring down both of their faces as the screams inside began to intensify. Rorik heard claws grating against the other side of the door.

“What is this door made of? No way it’ll hold.” said Reynalds.

“That’s what I thought too but there’s more than meets the eye going on here.” replied Rorik.

“We’ll burn badly before they’re gone.” said Reynalds staring at the spreading flames.

“I know. I have an idea.” said Rorik.

“What’s that?” asked Reynalds.

“Run.” yelled Rorik as he peeled away from the door grabbing for his sword.

Reynalds followed behind as best he could.

Rorik spun around once out of the heat and watched as the door flew open and creatures spilled out, most smoking from the heat inside.

The first two Rorik cut down in succession, the creature’s more intent on escaping the heat then the sword wielding knight in front of them. The others caught on and fanned out around Rorik. One raced off into the forest as the others went about dealing with the knight.

Rorik raced towards one of the still smoking creatures overwhelming it in a series of blows. Rorik felt claws sink into his back as he whirled around swinging a long horizontal strike clearing the area immediately behind him.

Another creature was upon him sending them both crashing to the ground. Rorik felt the creature’s claw dig into his sides as he put his foot under its leg and kicked up sending the creature over top of him. Rorik rolled and regained to his feet as another creature closed in.

Rorik fended it off as a seemingly endless stream of creature’s charged at him. Rorik dodged one, parried another, sunk his sword into a third, and narrowly missed being blinded by a fourth. The mad assault overwhelmed the knight as the creatures surged forward.

Rorik crashed into the side of a tent and bounded off of it slamming into a creature coming forward. Both bounded off of each other in different directions. Rorik heard a call as a form as a light swished in front of him back and forth. The creatures retreated from the light.

Reynalds took another step forward yelling as he swung the torch back and forth in front of him.

“It’s a damn torch.” said Rorik to himself watching the creature’s reaction then his eyes lit up “with me Reynalds.”

The two men backed away from the creatures as Rorik seized another torch the women had lit before. Sword in one hand torch in the other Rorik now ran forward into the fray.

He scared off one advancing creature as he made the killing blow on another. Reynalds helping to keep the mass back. Slowly they worked down until there was only one left. The creature snarled then stood up pausing for a moment. It took stock of the two in front of it then turned and raced for the woods.

“Don’t let it get away.” said Reynalds.

“Too late.” replied Rorik “Look two aren’t going to cause as much trouble as however many were here before. Let’s torch the tents and then get out of here.”

Reynalds nodded staring off at the figure slipping into the forest.


Rorik poured the gold coins between his fingers feeling them.

“Didn’t know you had such a love for gold.” said Rorik’s employer.

“I don’t. Wondering if this was all worth it. Nearly has my eyes gouged out among other things.”

The man shrugged “The pay was as promised.”

“I know…the job never is.”

“Well that’s beyond what I can promise.”

Rorik nodded and turned to leave the room then paused “Let me ask you a question.”

“What is it?” asked the man leaning forward onto his desk.

“Why did you pay me to help that village? It was in the middle of nowhere and from what I can see no relation to you. Why do it?”

The man shook his head “Now knight you know better than to inquire about reasons for employment. Don’t you think?”

Rorik shrugged “Fine, you ever have more gold you want, you know where to find me.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” said the man as Rorik left the room.