The Mountain Of Nod: An Antediluvian Horror Short Story

The Mountain Of Nod: An Antediluvian Horror Short Story by Arthur Drake

Yabrauk wrapped his arms around him, holding his spear in the crook of his elbow “It’s cold friend.”

His companion Rothart, looked over at him and nodded “What’d you expect? Come, we can’t dwell here long.”

Rothart started up the winding mountain trail. Yabrauk following behind him, his teeth chattering. This mountain was cursed, they weren’t supposed to be here. How had he let Rothart convince him to do this? The skins wrapped tight around him provided little protection against the cold. And this mountain was the coldest place in the land, unnaturally so. He looked up but could see nothing but rocks and the cliff face above him. He wasn’t sure how much further they would be able to go. Hopefully they’d find a dead end and head back down, giving up this crazy idea.

But every time they came to what seemed impassable terrain, Rothart would find a way through. And each time Yabrauk would curse under his breath, following his friend higher up.

“This mountain goes to the sky Rothart, some say that gods live at the top. How much higher must we climb?”

Rothart turned around, staring at Yabrauk “We climb until we can climb no more.” he turned back around and kept going.

Yabrauk felt a chill, and not just from the cold air around him. He had never seen such a look in his friend’s eyes before, nor had he ever heard him speak in such a way. Something was different about Rothart, something had changed in him. The mountain trail wound upwards, they came to a broken trail, the other end of it lay across an expanse of open air. Rothart stared up at it then to the sheer drop off below.

“We can’t scale that. We will surely fall to our deaths.” said Yabrauk.

“You have little faith. Of course we can scale this, come.”

Rothart walked to the edge of the trail and placed a hand in a rough ledge on the cliff face “We only have a little ways to go and trail continues.”

“We have no way of getting across that, we are not goats, we are men.”

“Come Yabrauk. Are you not my friend? Will you not aid me?”

Yabrauk walked over “What do you want me to do?”

“Lift me up.”

“Lift you up? Lift you up where?”

“There is a ledge.” Rothart pointed to a ledge halfway up the face “If I can reach it then I think I can get across.”

“You are mad Rothart. I will not be responsible for killing you, I can’t be, you are a dear friend. Please, let us go back. There is nothing on this mountain so important.”

“I will go myself if you don’t lift me. I will leap and hope I make it.”

“Why? Why this madness? What do you seek that you would risk your life for?”

“I must reach the top.”

“Why Rothart? What lies there? It may be gods or it may be death, neither are things we wish to meet. We could both die, don’t you care about that? Care about my life?

“Of course I do. I would not have selected you for this journey if I didn’t. Now come, lift me up.”

“And what shall I do? Wait here while you ascend the mountain?”

Rothart shook his had “That won’t work, you’ll come with me. You’ll leap and I’ll pull you up.”

“Ha, friend you are mad.”

“Help me, do not abandon me now.”

Yabrauk shook his head and looked at the cliff face again. They hadn’t scaled anything like it before. He saw few places for support but down below was a drop that would kill them.

“Yabrauk, we don’t have much time.”

“What do you mean?”

“Just help me.”

Rothart eyes bore into his own, there was that look again. Like a crazed man.


Yabrauk walked to the edge and helped Rothart up. He gave a push and held his breath as his friend grabbed onto the ledge and scrambled across. He slipped once and Yabrauk slammed his eyes shut. He didn’t hear a scream or the slamming of his friend’s body below. He peeked one eye open then the other. Rothart stood on the other side looking down at him.

“Come, follow me up.”

“You are too far to reach me. Maybe I should go back.”

“Yabrauk!” the voice had changed “You would abandon me now?”

“How can I pass?”

“You must leap.”


“It is the only way.”

“This is not what you said before.”

“I misjudged.”

“Friend I cannot do this. I will die.”

“Don’t mock me Yabrauk. You are stronger than I, jump and you will make it. Please, don’t leave me here alone.”

“How will we get down?”

“The mountain will provide a way.”

Yabrauk looked up at his friend. His eyes had changed, he looked like he had as a boy. When they would play together with their mothers watching over them. Yabrauk sighed and looked up at the ledge. He could do it. He gathered up all his strength and made ready. He ran forward and leapt. He grabbed the ledge with both hands but one slipped. He gave a cry and looked down. Far below he saw the ground. He reached up with his free hand and grabbed the ledge with his fingers. He looked over at Rothart and saw deep worry in his friend’s eyes.

“Here.” said Rothart offering a hand.

“I’m too heavy, I’ll drag you down. Move…I’ll make it.” Yabrauk worked his way over and ascended to the trail.

He collapsed exhausted and his nerves on edge. Rothart embraced him tear running down his cheeks.

“Forgive me for putting you through this, but it will be worth it in the end.” said Rothart.

“Where are we going? What do you mean?”

But Rothart was up and already headed up the trail “Come, we must move quick.”

Yabrauk followed behind him. The trail went higher up the mountain. Soon they’d enter into the clouds, the territory of the gods.

“We must be careful Rothart, soon we will be in the land of the gods.”

“Bah, you have nothing to fear from them.”

“Don’t speak such things. They might hear you.”

Rothart didn’t answer. They followed the trail up into the clouds. The land around them changing. Yabrauk lost Rothart in the mist. He’d disappear only to reappear at his right or left. They drifted on in the fog covered mountain going higher and higher. Yabrauk found it hard to breath and had to stop, placing his hand against a boulder.

“Rothart we are going to high. This is the land of the gods, man was not meant to be up here.”

“We’re almost there friend, don’t give in now.”

“Almost where?”

Rothart didn’t answer. Yabrauk pushed off the boulder and continued on. Where were they going? Where was his friend taking him? Rothart ran quicker, disappearing in the fog.

“We’re almost there Yabrauk.” he heard him shout, followed by yelps of glee.

“Where?” Yabrauk ran forward following after the sound of his whooping friend.

The fog got thicker as Yabrauk pressed on “Rothart? Rothart!” he heard nothing.

He kept on. Suddenly the fog around him gave way and he stood looking down at a large basin. The sky was clear above him and the sun beat down. What world was this? This must be the land of the gods. Ahead of him he saw a river stretch, forests on either side of it. He looked down and saw Rothart standing a short distance below him. He turned to Yabrauk and smiled ear to ear.

“Have you ever seen anything like it?” he asked.

“What is this place?”

“We’re almost there, we have to keep moving.”


Rothart was off again, skipping down the decline towards the mysterious land beyond. Yabrauk sighed and followed after him. They entered a lush jungle but something was strange about it. Yabrauk didn’t hear any birds or any sounds of wildlife. He couldn’t even hear the river that he knew was close by. The silence was eerie to Yabrauk. Rothart kept rushing off ahead of him, as if he knew exactly where to go.

The trees started to get sparse and they rushed out on to a open circle in the middle of the jungle, in the center of it was a small hut.

“What is this place?” asked Yabrauk.

Rothart raced for the hut, not answering. Yabrauk stopped. What was going on? Where had his friend taken him? Rothart paused and turned around, staring at Yabrauk.

“Come friend, we have made it.”

“Speak Rothart, speak and tell me what is going on here.”

“Friend, my friend who I have known my whole life, do you not trust me? Do you think I would mislead you?”

“What is this place you have taken me too? Have you spoken with the gods Rothart?”

Rothart’s eyes bulged and his smile widened “I have, oh I have Yabrauk. They came down to the foot of the mountain. I saw them and I was not scared. Still, I ran to them, I ran to them and threw myself at their feet. I asked them, I asked them ‘what must I do to become like one of you'”

“They answered you?”

“They did, they did and more. They said to bring a brother and to come to their mountain. I said ‘lo I have no brother’ and they said fear not, for a friend like a brother is the same to them.”

“Same to them?”

“Don’t you see Yabrauk? We are both to become as gods here…here in this hut on this very mountain.”

“Become as gods?”

“Come, come to the hut Yabrauk. We are almost there. Our enlightening is at hand.” Rothart turned and raced for the hut.

Yabrauk followed after him. Rothart waited outside until Yabrauk was there.

“Knock four times.” said Rothart.

Yabrauk wrapped on the door four times. It cracked open. Rothart walked in front of him and into the hut. He followed after. The inside was large, far larger then the hut was on the outside. It stretched out in every direction. At the far end in front of them they saw a fire burning in the distance.

“That is the fire, come, we must meet them there.”

They set off for the fire. Yabrauk looked at the ground, though it was dark he could still see markings on it. Strange black markings covered the floor they walked on as far as he could see. He looked back up and the fire was in front of them, though it had looked far away a few seconds before.

“I do not like this place Rothart.”

“Silence, do not insult them.”

“I am but a man and this is a place for the gods.”

“Shh, soon we will be as them.”

Yabrauk shook his head. How could man be as god? Man was man and god was god. Surely this was a trick of some sort. Yabrauk shivered, the gods’ tricks could often be cruel. They were known to kill mortals for sport. Yabrauk looked at the room around him. It had shrunk since they came in, though still far larger then the hut outside.

“Rothart.” a voice echoed around the chamber and settled down next to them.

Yabrauk saw a column of smoke bubble up from the floor and spread, revealing a triangular shaped head and two smoky arms.

“You have brought he who is like a brother to you?”

“I have.” said Rothart.

“Good, good. Speak your name, brother of Rothart.” said the voice.

“I am Yabrauk son of Yortham.”

“Yabrauk son of Yortham. Rothart son of Rothar.”

Yabrauk peered over at Rothart. He was smiling the smile he had before.

“Rothart, do what must be done.”

Rothart nodded. He turned and walked over to Yabrauk placing a hand on his shoulder “Are you ready to ascend, one who is like a brother to me? One that I have known my whole life. One that I love as my own family.”

“I…I don’t know Rothart.”

“He is not ready?” asked the voice.

Rothart looked into Yabrauk’s eyes “Do you not wish to become as one of the gods? Do you not wish to be free of being a man?”

Yabrauk looked over at the smoky pillar “I don’t know Rothart. Man was not made to be a god, he is man and man should he stay.”

“You bring ignorance here, this man does not wish to be enlightened.” said the pillar of smoke.

“Yabrauk do not speak such foolish talk. What man is offered this? Come, take this blessing. This blessing the most generous of gods has offered to us. Come and let us be one with them. We have been chosen Yabrauk.”

“You do not wish to live as one of as? As a powerful and knowing being?” asked the pillar.

“I…I don’t know. I am a man and a man I should stay.”

“What of our people? As gods would we not aid them? Would we not turn to tide against the Ahmalutes, would we not drive them to the sea? Would our sons and daughters ever know of hunger? Our people would be blessed, would you not do this for them, if not for yourself?” asked Rothart.

“I could do these things?”

“As a god there are many things one can do.” said the voice.

“Then I shall do it. I wish to become as a god.”

“Good.” said the pillar “Now come before me.”

The fire faded from the room as another light filled it, a dark red light shone out from the pillar of smoke.

“Stand before me. Rothart son of Rothar, start the process.”

“Yes.” Rothart bowed towards the pillar and turned to Yabrauk “You have been the truest of friends. You have been by my side since I was a babe, I love you as my own brother, I say this all with truth.” Rothart smiled.

Rothart glanced back at the pillar then Yabrauk. With a sudden jerk forward Yabrauk felt something slam into his ribs. He looked down and saw a sharpened shaft of stone sticking out. Rothart pulled it back and stepped a few paces away, a bloody knife in his hand. The pain radiated through Yabrauk’s body. He fell to his knees, staring at Rothart in shock.

“I have done what was needed O mighty one. I have spilled the blood of my brother.” said Rothart.

“So you have.”

“Now, give me what is my due. Make me as a god.”

“You have done as was asked and therefore the reward will be yours.” said the voice.

Yabrauk fell to his side. He watched the pillar begin to vibrate. The light grew brighter and Yabrauk saw movement on the outer rim of the light. The room was filling with shadows and form he could not make out, all at the edge of the light. The pillar moved towards Rothart.

“Kneel before me.” it commanded.

Rothart did as he was told.

“Give me the blood.”

Rothart handed the knife to the pillar. The pillar reached out and seized it. The shadows from the edges rushed in. Yabrauk saw forms he did not know could exist in this world. Forms that shocked and horrified him to his core. They came and they swirled around the three, faster and faster, in a sort of dance.

“You wish to be as a god Rothart son of Rothar?” asked the voice.

“I do, I have done what was needed. I wish to be as a god.”

“Then you shall have your wish.”

The pillar’s arms snaked forward and enveloped Rothart’s head. They retracted and the forms rushed in on him. Yabrauk heard screams that echoed through the entire chamber. Rothart screamed again and again. The screams turned to sobs and then silence. The forms went back out to the edge of the light. Yabrauk looked over and saw a bloody mess where his friend has once knelt. The only thing left was his face, a look of horror and pain permanently etched onto it. He heard laughter, laughter echoing out from the circling creatures. The pillar turned to Yabrauk and joined in the laughter. Yabrauk looked down at his side, he hoped he would expire soon.

“Look at the foolishness of man.” said the voice lifting an arm in Rothart’s direction “That fool slew his own brother for that which man can never do nor ever be.”

“The foolishness of man, the foolishness of man.” repeated the circling multitude.

“What…what is to become of me?” asked Yabrauk.

“You will die as man is fated to do.” replied the pillar.

Yabrauk groaned and fell to his back, the swarming growing faint around him.

“These creatures will never learn.” said the voice “They will never learn.”

“Man will never learn, man will never learn.” echoed the circling mass.

The light around Yabrauk grew dim. The voice echoed in his head. “Man will never learn.” then there was darkness.